We Made Our List, We Checked It Twice

animation of coal in stocking

As the strange year that was 2021 comes to an end, it’s worth taking one more look at some marketing advice that could keep you off the proverbial naughty list in 2022.

With no offense meant to Kris Kringle, it’s not the big man’s perception that matters: It’s how you connect with the clients, prospects and referral sources that matter most. Strive to avoid these major missteps – or, in the spirit of the season, the legal marketing lumps of coal:

Lump of Coal 1: Digital Disconnect

Eighty-four percent of law firms plan to spend more on digital in 2022. If you are among them, are you spending more in social media, paid search, organic search and digital advertising, only to drive traffic to a dead-end website? Learn more about law firm budget trends for 2022.

Lump of Coal 2: Boring Biographies

Lawyer bios pack a powerful branding punch because of their high use: A vast majority of C-suite executives and in-house counsel rank them among the top tools for law firm screening. Is your bio relevant, persuasive and memorable, or is it just a recitation of your resume? From the photo to the narrative and beyond, here’s how to maximize your bio ROI.

Lump of Coal 3: Telling, Not Showing

It’s one thing to say you’re the best solution to a potential client’s problem. It’s quite another to show that you are through evidence – case studies, testimonials, third-party endorsements and more. How well do you back up your brand? Learn the four types of evidence your website needs – and while you’re at it, how to write case studies that connect.

Lump of Coal 4: One-Size-Fits-All Branding

Law firms with well-defined positioning close more clients, get more referrals, and enjoy up to 20 percent fee premiums. Yet so many law firms sell themselves short with dysfunctional brands that, while trying to please everyone, stand out to no one. This article provides the basics on branding – and describes the main ways law firms mess it up.

Just getting started on branding? Check out the themes that generate the most referrals, and consider where you sit among the four types of legal practices.


On behalf of all of us at Firesign, thank you for reading our work this year. We always welcome your questions, comments and ideas, and we certainly welcome the opportunity to serve your firm, too.

Best wishes this holiday season and beyond.

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