Get To Know Firesign: Sky Morrell, Graphic Designer

At Firesign we believe the practice of law is as much about people as precedent, and the best legal marketing is built on trust, empathy and respect. Meet the proud purveyors of Enlightened Legal Marketing you are working with in our Get to Know Firesign series.

Continuing our series, we are introducing Sky Morrell, one of Firesign’s resident graphic designers. Sky’s experience includes working in-house at law firms as both a paralegal and graphic designer, where she helped redesign company letterheads and advertisements, prepare and organize legal pleadings and maintain client relationships. Now at Firesign, Sky works with law firms and legal service providers to develop creative solutions for their websites, social media, infographics and more. 

What did you do before Firesign? How do you apply that experience to your work today? 

I had a few jobs: legal assistant, engineer, paralegal, and art director. Obviously the art director role has a more direct influence on my growth as a designer; however, my first three positions gave me knowledge on the legal industry and what is actually useful or needed when presenting information to someone. However neat something looks, if it can’t be read or doesn’t serve a purpose, then it shouldn’t be on the table. A design needs to be readable and useful, then it can be cool.

What is your favorite recent project?

Last year we designed a Halloween movie themed presentation deck. We got to think outside the normal branding box and incorporate some great imagery while using their secondary color palette.

What do you do when you’re not on the clock?

I play video games, a lot of Genshin Impact right now, and watch movies. Sometimes I find home or garden projects to dedicate far too much time to as well.

What do you enjoy about legal marketing? 

The legal industry is exciting and interesting and helping our clients’ audiences learn or see how neat the industry can be (even if only visually) is pretty dang fun. 

Who is your favorite fictional lawyer?

Elle Woods. She is a great example of how pure determination can get you through anything.